About Us

Empowering Women Through Breast Cancer Screening Camps

At Breva, we organize educational camps to raise awareness about breast cancer and providing accessible screening services. We organize regular screening camps across India, offering women the opportunity to learn about breast health and undergo early detection examinations. Our goal is to empower women with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their health and reduce the impact of breast cancer.

Medical Advisors 

Dr. Yajurvendra Chudasma 
Dr. Himani Patel

Our Core Team

Founders: Kashyap & Poyani Raval
Startup Mentor: Hareshh Ratwani
Project Coordinator: Ashini Desai
Technical Lead: Dr. Nidhi Pandya

A Message from Kashyap Raval (Founder)

"My mom survived stage 4 breast cancer, but it was a really hard time for her and our whole family.  Seeing what she went through showed me how important it is to find breast cancer early. That's why at Breva, we're working to help with early detection.  We team up with Niramai. Together, we're going to different places to offer screenings and teach people about breast cancer, so hopefully, other families won't have to go through what we did."